2023 Booranga Literary Prizes Short List Booranga Writers’ Centre is pleased to announce the short-listed writers in this year's fourW thirty-four: New Writing anthology, published by Booranga Writers' Centre on the Wagga Wagga campus of Charles Sturt University. The winners of the 2023 Booranga Prizes for writing will be announced at the Wagga Wagga launch. The shortlists, Poetry: Linda Albertson 'Some Woman' Lachlan Brown 'Pneumatic: Eight 'Sigh'-ku' Cary Hamlyn 'The Baby Locket' Mark Macleod 'Chinese New Year, Gangtok' Neill Overton 'Gimcrack' Jena Woodhouse 'Midnight Trolleybus' Prose: Jane Downing ‘The Thing about things’ N. G. Hartland 'Carrot' Coco X. Huang 'Underground' Karla Portch 'Down the line' Christopher Scriven 'So much depends' Jennifer Severn 'Birthday Girl' Wagga Wagga Launch: fourW thirty-four will be launched in Wagga Wagga by Executive Director of Eastern Riverina Arts, Tim Kurylowicz, at the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery on Saturday, 25 November 2023 from 1.30pm. Sydney Launch: fourW thirty-four will be launched in Sydney, by writer John Stephenson on Saturday, 2 December 2023, from 3.30pm, at the Academy of Interactive Technology, 2/7 Kelly, St Ultimo. You are cordially invited to attend one (or both) of the launches.