Sunday, 18 April 2021

Booranga Writers’ Centre Micro-Grants 2021



 The Booranga Writers’ Centre Micro-Grants 2021

Are you:

- a resident of regional NSW (excluding greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong)?

- an individual (not an organisation)?

Do you:

- have a great idea for a writing project?

- need money to assist your writing activities?

- have an ABN? *beginner and early-career writers may submit a Statement-by-Supplier form from the ATO


Booranga is pleased to announce we are now offering micro-grants to the writers of regional NSW. These small grants are for individuals, for up to $1000, and are intended to restart literary activity in the regions after the social tumult of pandemic lockdowns.  

Our main criteria for this funding is that the money goes to assists writers in regional NSW. Booranga and the NSW Government are committed to supporting writers with a demonstrated need and we understand that a small amount of money can be of immense value, helping you get your idea and practice up and running.

We intend that this money supports your needs through and beyond the pandemic and accordingly all reasonable requests for funding (for a need related to your writing practice) will be considered. Grants are open from Thursday 22nd April to Thursday 20 May and funding decisions will be announced by Thu 27 May, for projects happening in 2021.

Please read these guidelines, check eligibility requirements, and send applications to:


Funding available:

- Grants of up to $1,000 per application are available, where approved.

- There is a total of $15,000 available in this stimulus round of Micro Grants

- Grant applications will be assessed by a panel comprised of the Booranga Executive Committee members and staff.

Key dates:

-          Applications open:  22 April 2021

-          Applications close: 20 May 2021

-          Decisions advised by: 27 May 2021

-          Projects to be completed: by the end of 2021



1. Applicants must be a resident of regional NSW (defined as any area of NSW excluding greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong

2. Applicants must demonstrate a real need for the grant funding

3. All grant allocations made by Booranga are made on the assumption of honest and full disclosure of information contained in the application. Evidence of any breach will render the grant null and void in which case any funds paid under the scheme must be returned

4. Grant funds will not be provided for any unlawful, unethical or political purposes

5. Applicants must immediately advise Booranga of any proposed changes to the purpose or proposed use of grant funds from those detailed in the application. The decision to withdraw funding following notification of proposed changes shall be made at Booranga’s discretion.

The following activities or uses are not eligible for funding:

-       Retrospective funding of any event or activity

-       Fundraising events

-       General operating expenses or ongoing costs of long-term continuous projects

-       Activities which could be considered part of the curriculum for schools or tertiary institutions.

-       Non-writing related activities


Selection Criteria:

Micro Grants will be awarded to applications that best meet the following four selection criteria:

1. The project is innovative and addresses a real developmental need identified by the applicant

2. The project fosters regional writing activity

3. The project is achievable and clearly defined

4. The budget amount and expenditure provides value for money and accurately reflects the project idea


Application Process:

Applications open 22 April, with individuals based in regional NSW eligible to apply. 

Applicants should send a word document of no more than one page (around 300 words) telling us:

  • Your name and contact details
  • A brief description of what you are proposing to do with your grant money, including a very simple budget
  • Provide your bank details and ABN so that we can pay you if you are successful


Completed application forms should be emailed to: with 
‘Micro-grant Application’ as the subject line.


Acknowledgment and Reporting

Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the NSW Government and Booranga in any outcome or publicity associated with your project.


Thursday, 4 February 2021

2025 Membership Wagga Wagga Writers Writers - Booranga Writers' Centre



Wagga Wagga Writers Writers Inc. was formed in 1987 to foster local authors and their work. The group is active in promoting writing and writers throughout the Riverina, holding regular readings at local venues and conducting writing workshops. We also offer writing fellowships through the Writers in Residence program at Booranga Writers' Centre located on the Wagga Wagga Campus of Charles Sturt University, and publish an annual anthology of poetry and short stories, fourW, under the imprint of fourW press.

Membership for 2025 is open now

New membership rates are $40 (concession $30).  

Benefits of membership: 

  •               Access to monthly writing workshops at Booranga Writers' Centre at member rates
  •         10% discount at Collins Booksellers in Wagga Wagga
  •         Invitations to writing events and get-togethers
  •         Reduced rates at monthly writers' readings
  •         Access to a network of writers, book enthusiasts and other writers’ centres
  •         Mentoring & editorial assistance from established Booranga Writers' members

 Membership subscription may be paid by any of the following methods:

  • PayPal: 
  • Online by card as per links below
  • Via Square

Pay Full 2025 Membership $40


Pay 2025 Student/Concession Membership $30



Include surname in bank ‘reference’ & advise by email:

Account Name:     Wagga Wagga Writers Writers

Bank:      NAB Wagga Wagga           BSB:  082 811                Account Number:  02951 4435

2021 Monthly Writers' Workshops

Monthly Workshops

Places limited. Please adhere to current Covid-safe practices at these workshops.

Bookings Essential RSVP

We invite writers of all abilities, genres and interests to join us with a piece of writing you are working on, to workshop, develop and share with fellow writers. Please bring multiple copies (6 - 8) of the work to share around the table for editing purposes. These will be returned to you at the end of the workshop.

Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

Booranga is a friendly environment to nurture your creative writing while enjoying the company of like-minded people of all ages and stages of their craft.

$5 for 2021 financial members
$10 for non-members

*When our visiting writers-in-residence conduct the workshop they will run in a different format with writing tasks being set by them for all participants.

Third Saturday of each month

20 February: 
Booranga, 2 - 4pm

20 March: Booranga, 2 - 4pm 

10 April:  Booranga, 2 - 4pm, additional workshop with writer-in-residence Jane Downing.

17 April:  Booranga, 2 - 4pm 

15 May: Booranga, 2 - 5pm review-writing workshop with writer-in-residence Van Badham

19 June:  Booranga, 2 - 4pm with writer-in-residence Kai Jensen

17 July:  Online, 2 - 4pm with writer-in-residence Jeanine Leane

21 August:  Online, 2 - 4pm

18 September:  Online, 2 - 4pm with writer-in-residence Craig Billingham

16 October:  National Art Glass Gallery, Wagga Wagga, 1 - 3pm with Greg Pritchard

20 November:  Booranga, 2 - 4pm

18 December:  Booranga, 2 - 4pm

Proposed dates, subject to change

Monday, 25 January 2021

'fourW35' Submission Guidelines (incl. Booranga Literary Prizes)


fourW35 anthology 

2024 Submission Guidelines

(including Booranga Literary Prizes)

Booranga is currently in recess.

fourW will not be published this year.

We are not accepting submissions.

Do not send payment for submissions.

If you have summitted work and paid your submission fees, 

you will be contacted by the editorial team. 

fourW - annual anthology of new writing is one of Australia's longest running (and best…) annual anthologies of new poetry and prose from Australian and international writers is published each November, and launched in Wagga Wagga and Sydney where we announce our prize-winners and hear from some of our contributors.

The Booranga Literary Prizes are valued at a total of $1000 and are awarded annually in November at the launch of Booranga’s anthology of new writing, fourW.

Each Booranga Prize is $500 and will be awarded to the works selected as the best poem and best short story received during the submission period. Winning entries are published in fourW, along with other new writing. 


Submissions must be original poetry or short­story fiction not previously published in print or online 

(i.e. social media), or submitted for any other prize. They must not be AI generated.

Unthemed, unsolicited submissions of prose and poetry are accepted throughout the year.

The opportunity to publish and the prize is open to Australian and international writers.

Submissions must be made as an electronic file in Word, attached to an email and submitted to:

Hard copy submissions will not be accepted.

Include author biography (2-3 lines only) in your cover email, including your postal address and telephone. All successful contributors receive a copy of the anthology by mail (Value $30). Postage for extra copies will be an additional $5.

Works are read ‘blind’; therefore, we request that you include the contributor's name and address in the cover email message only.

Please send as individual poems or pieces of prose. Files should be the title of the piece.

Due to the large volume of work we receive we cannot provide feedback.

Payment must be received with submission. No refunds will be given.

All submissions will be considered for publication in Booranga’s anthology fourW

No payment is made to the author when work is included in the anthology.

All rights remain with the author.


•           Submissions are restricted to 6 poems per year per writer.

•           All efforts will be made to replicate the formatting provided, subject to fourW editorial style.

•           Submission cost: $10 per poem 

Short stories

•           Submissions are restricted to 3 stories each year per writer.

•           Short story word limit is strictly 2500 words.

Formatting should be: 12-point Times New Roman fully justified; line spacing 1.5; double quotation marks for all dialogue.

•           Submission cost: $15 per story 

Publication timelines:

•           Closing date for submissions is June 30. Submissions and payments received after this date will be held over to the following year.

•           All submissions will be read by our editorial committee during July/August. Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

•           Contributors whose writing will be included in fourW will be contacted in August/September. A final copy of the work to be included in the anthology is provided for proofreading.

•           All other contributors will be advised of the committee's decision in September.

•           Prize winners will be announced at the launch of the anthology in November of each year.

IMPORTANT: Submissions will not be considered until payment has been received.

Sunday, 10 January 2021

2021 Competitions and Opportunities

 Submissions to fourW  Anthology of New Writing  

Closes 30 June each year
All submissions to fourW are considered for the Booranga Literary Prizes
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Booranga Literary Prizes
The Booranga Prizes, of $500 each, are chosen from all submissions to fourW and are awarded to the best poem and the best short story submitted each year and are published in our annual anthology, fourW.
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Writing NSW
Regional Writers support
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Australian Writers’ Centre Furious Fiction
First weekend of every month
Writers have 55 hours to write a 500 words-or-fewer story to be in the running for $500. On the first Friday of every month, a new set of short story prompts will be revealed to guide writers.
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Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW Inc
Various competitions open throughout the year
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Writing NSW Grants - Various
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AMDS Favourite Shorts 2022 - call for Scripts
Closes 19 December 2021

Mona Magazine Issue Two
Closes late January 2022

Silver Tree Poetry Competition
Closes 1 February 2022

Voices of Women 
Closes 12 February 2022

Stringybark Short Story Award
Closes 13 February 2022

Northern Beaches Writers' Competition
Closes 31 March 2022

Short Stories Unlimited: Four Seasons Project
Various dates: January, April, July, October

The Moderate Review
Submissions Ongoing

KSP 2021 Residency Program 
Various dates
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Eureka St Submissions

Science Write Now Submissions

Spread the Stories not the Virus
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Baby Teeth Journal Submissions
Read More

Big Issue
Contributor guidelines

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Live Canon Submissions
Closes various dates
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Fairlight Moderns - novella submissions
Currently seeking submissions of novella-length works in English from authors based anywhere in the world. We are particularly keen to publish work by new and emerging writers,
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Light Horse Australia: Harry Chauvel Foundation
Help us build on online Light Horse Anthology
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Useful Links